I was recently asked by Moody Publishers to do a book review on "a Cross-Shaped Gospel: Reconciling Heaven and Earth" by Bryan Loritts. Bryan is the lead pastor of Fellowship Memphis-a multiethnic church that minsters in urban Memphis, Tennessee.
Bryan Loritts’s book a
Cross Shaped Gospel presents for the church a vision for a big Gospel. A Cross-shaped Gospel has ten chapters
that maintain momentum and keep your interest with unique and different ways
the Gospel can be applied on the horizontal plane.
A Cross-Shaped Gospel explains how the Gospel should
transform our lives in both our relationship to God and our relationships with
people. In the introduction of the book Loritts points out that “Life is at its
richest when we are living in close communion with God and loving our neighbors
at the same time (p.10).
There is one example in the book of how we can be out of
balance in our application of the Gospel’s horizontal and vertical dimensions.
The sub-heading is titled, George
Whitefield and the Gospel---here Whitefield’s bio is given as one of the
greatest preachers of the Gospel in church history. It was said when Whitfield
preached, the churches could not hold the people; so they would take to the
As the story goes; Loritts points out that Whitefield was a
slave owner, but not only a slave owner he also fought to have slavery
legalized in the state of Georgia.
There are other examples in the book of how the Gospel’s horizontal
transformative power has not always been realized throughout the history of the
On the positive side, Loritts gives us an example of how the
Gospel’s horizontal powers worked in the life of the famous evangelist Billy
Graham---Loritts gives us this great example on Page (19) “On March 15, 1953,
just a few days into his crusade meeting in Chattanooga, Tennessee, he [Billy
Graham] personally removed the ropes that separated the black and white
sections of the audience.”
Loritts goes to the New Testament to show how the Gospel
transforms relationships by using the example of how the Jews and the Gentiles
were united by the cross of Christ. We are also given the example of Jesus
passing through Samaria
and taking the time to talk to the non-Jewish Samaritan woman. We are also
given insight into the relationship between Matthew (the tax collector) and
Simon (the revolutionary). Matthew was the traitor, while Simon fought against
those who Matthew aligned himself with (the Roman Government), but it was the
power of the Gospel that brought these two totally opposite people together.
On page (30), Loritts notes that, “you can’t reach out
without first reaching up,” we are then told that Loving God must be first and
that loving our neighbor must be seen through the lens of our Love for God. In
this light, Loritts makes a critique of our liberal churches today by noting, “The
liberal church today might well be described a elevating the command to love
our neighbor over the command to love God with the totality of our being”
With all that being said---the most glaring weakness of the
book is the lack of theological explanation on the vertical dimension of the
cross. If one is looking to find any real solid teaching on Soteriology,
justification by faith, sanctification of the believer, or any major doctrine,
I would note that this book would not fill that need.
The reason I brought that topic into the review is because
of the books title, a Cross-Shaped
Gospel: Reconciling Heaven and Earth. While Loritts does note that the
Gospel of Jesus Christ is a matter of life and death importance to him, and he
is careful and cognizant that many churches make an idol out of diversity,
still the majority of the book by far concentrates on the horizontal dimensions
of the Gospel, leaving the reader with a sense of vertigo.
Under the sub-heading The
Gospel and Race on Page (72), Loritts uses Numbers 12:1-4 to show that God
judged Aaron and Miriam for the sin of racism. I feel that Bryan Loritts took
some interpretative liberty with this passage. While the passage (v.1) does say
that Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite women---any
solid interpretation would show at best that, that was if any, a pretext to the
real reason for their attack on Moses.
We see the real reason for the attack in (v.2) “Has the Lord
only spoken through Moses,” and then they said “He has also spoken through us.”
Then we see God saying that there is only one mouth piece that I’ve been using
and that is my servant Moses (vs. 6-8). The judgment of God came upon Miriam
and Aaron because they questioned the authority of Moses, not because of any
racism on Miriam or Aaron’s part.
I would recommend this book to all who need to feel the full
weight of the Gospel. This book would make a great small group study tool; for
it has the potential to act as a spring board into many fruitful discussions,
but I would look for a seasoned small-group leader to guide the discussions.
Thank your Bryan Loritts for your front-line work in
declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a culture that is heading the wrong way
real fast.
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