I must admit, I'm in a little bit of a quandary. Over the years, I've sensed that something was missing in the way I was "doing Church." I struggled with the question, "is this sense that something is askew, me, or is it the Church?"
This little bit of background information about my journey will be helpful to know so you can understand my story. I had come to be a follower of Christ as a teenager. Started my spiritual journey in the Charismatic Church and from the Charismatic Churches, I found my way into a Fundamentalist Independent Baptist Church where I stayed for ten years.
From the Baptist Church, I journeyed into meeting with believers in house Churches, from house Churches I found myself in an Evangelical Free Church, where I stayed for over twenty years.
I thought that this background needed to be shared, lest you think that I have a bone to grind with organized Church. For the record, I LOVE the Church of God, now when I say "the Church of God," it needs to be noted, I don't mean organized religion; but the people of God, the body of Christ that Jesus died for and redeemed.
Let me digress one more time, I can remember driving home from Church one Sunday afternoon and looking over at my wife and saying "I can't do Church anymore," that is what it felt like for so many years, just "doing Church," there was no "deep" anymore.
The feeling reminded me of my younger days when I was brought to the Roman Catholic Church by my father, it was all duty, it was what good Catholics did, you simply went to Church every Sunday. Going to Church was what God expected from you, it was what God wanted, and certainly what the local Parish expected.
So to answer my question, was it me or the Church? I've come to the conclusion that it was not me, but the Church. The Church can become so program centered, so organizational that it stops being the living, breathing, organism that God called Her to be. Unless the Church becomes intentional about not becoming an organization, it will drift towards that end.
The goal of the Christian life is as the great Apostle Paul noted, that we may know Christ. To know Christ and fellowship with other believers in worship of our King. To break bread together, to see others come to the waters of baptism as new followers of Christ proclaim Him as Lord and savior.
To God be all praise, glory, and honor
Brian, I think for many, the superficiality of the church is unappealing and even appalling. Many want depth, including such things as engaging conversations and discussion, comfort during difficult times, a sense of hopefulness, steadfast love that doesn't change with emotions, etc. These are the longings of our hearts. However, as you and I know, the church is slow to adapt to cultural changes and the needs of people, but I think there is a two-fold problem. The church is slow to change and people are impatient. I want to encourage you to get back in there. I want to see you lean and trust in the Lord to use your gifts and talents for His glory amongst His people. Have a good day, brother.