Has there been times in your journey where you had to trust that God is in control? I mean really trust Him, knowing that the situation is totally out of your control.
Well, I'm sure that if you are apart of the human experience you would say yes, there has been times that a situation was beyond my control.
I can think of a few defining situations in my own life where I was totally helpless, and the only thing that I could do was trust in the goodness of my God. Thinking back over the many long years I can still see the doctor's face as he brought the x-ray into our hospital room as Michele was in labor with our fourth child.The doctor suspected that there would be a problem with the delivery and his suspicions were right, the child was in the breach position which required immediate attention.
As the doctors delivered our little girl I was struck with shock and disbelief. That moment swept over me with the cold wind of reality, our little girl had many abnormalities and the doctor's gave her just a few hours to live. At that point the only thing that I (we) could do was just trust; trust and rest that God was in control.
Michele and I found calm assurance in the words of the Scripture:
But our God is in the heavens;
He does whatever He pleases
(Psalms 115:3).
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding
(Proverbs 3:5).
And we know that to those who love God
all things works together for good
(Romans 8:28).
Remember the old hymn:
Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
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