A Day without Immigrants, A Day
without Women, The Women's March on Washington...all
have one thing in common, that is a common ideology and a common political
agenda. What is really behind the myriad of marches and protests that we have
seen is a hatred of Trump and the Republican Party.
I've seen some of the signs at the Day without Women march the other day, one sign read, "Stop the war on women," I didn’t know there was a “war” on women, at least in the Unites States, and in the West. I think we all know what religion is waging a war on women, but we can’t say that in this climate of political correctness. We've heard Madonna’s rant about blowing up the White House. We have seen Linda Sarsour, the Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York, who was also arm-in-arm with Maddona and has some dubious ties to Hamaas. When one digs into the money behind these protests and the prime organizers we see the real ideology behind it all….can you say George Soros.
This is what someone has said of Muslim activist Miss Sarsour, “What I object to is a woman of the most female-demeaning religion in the world criticizing a nation that tries to help women. … And … she has the audacity to say she speaks ‘for all women!’ Really! She needs to take the plank out of Islam’s eye before she complains about a splinter in the eye of other religions.”
The other day in support of the Women’s Day dozens of women in red walked out of Congress and spoke their true heart….they railed against Trump….they said that Trump was going to set women back a hundred years…that is code for, Trump will try to take away the right for a woman to murder her unborn child.
Now here’s the sad part, we’ve Christian women who think that by locking arms with this movement that they are doing women a service. I would remind and admonish those women who profess Christ of the words of the Apostle Paul. “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14.
One of the celebrities today in the modern Christian church is Jen
Hatmaker. Here’s Jen Hatmaker’s post
from her Facebook page concerning the recent women’s day celebration: I've seen some of the signs at the Day without Women march the other day, one sign read, "Stop the war on women," I didn’t know there was a “war” on women, at least in the Unites States, and in the West. I think we all know what religion is waging a war on women, but we can’t say that in this climate of political correctness. We've heard Madonna’s rant about blowing up the White House. We have seen Linda Sarsour, the Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York, who was also arm-in-arm with Maddona and has some dubious ties to Hamaas. When one digs into the money behind these protests and the prime organizers we see the real ideology behind it all….can you say George Soros.
This is what someone has said of Muslim activist Miss Sarsour, “What I object to is a woman of the most female-demeaning religion in the world criticizing a nation that tries to help women. … And … she has the audacity to say she speaks ‘for all women!’ Really! She needs to take the plank out of Islam’s eye before she complains about a splinter in the eye of other religions.”
The other day in support of the Women’s Day dozens of women in red walked out of Congress and spoke their true heart….they railed against Trump….they said that Trump was going to set women back a hundred years…that is code for, Trump will try to take away the right for a woman to murder her unborn child.
Now here’s the sad part, we’ve Christian women who think that by locking arms with this movement that they are doing women a service. I would remind and admonish those women who profess Christ of the words of the Apostle Paul. “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14.
Today, on InternationalWomensDay, if I haven't made this abundantly clear ten thousand times, I am WILD about women and am gobsmacked by our courage, resiliency, and pluck every single day.
I was having lunch with a dear friend this week, and we were talking about our community, and I told her: "My heart would fail without the women in my life." She just nodded, because we've said this to each other for a decade. I mean that as sincerely as possible. My best friends, my little inner tribe, the women in my church, and you: my heart would fail without you. I almost love you too much.
For me, it started at the beginning: my mom, who is consequently 66 years old today. She always, always had girlfriends, and they were deeply a part of our life. So did my Grandma King, for that matter. Those were all my extra mothers and grandmothers, the backdrop to my entire childhood, thus I do not have a single memory without a chorus of women parenting and grandparenting me over rivers of Tab, Sanka, dominoes, and backyard barbecues.
It never occurred to me that women were anything less that the fuel of the earth. They hold families and communities together in every corner of the world, and they do it with incredible moxie. The women in my life are, sincerely, one of the small handful of treasures I could not live without.
Happy birthday to my mom, and happy International Women's Day to you: the kindest, bravest, smartest, funniest, loveliest, most interesting, inspiring, encouraging women on earth.
I love you. Proud to be your sister. (Photos of the Women in My Life in the link below.)
Shout out to your best girls below!
Now there’s nothing out right unbiblical about Jen’s post, but what disturbs me about a professing Christian woman, (who has advocated for same sex marriage, calling it a holy union), is an unbalanced view of women. I don’t find anywhere in Scripture that our genders are to be praised and exalted, and in Jen Hatmaker’s words she is, WILD about women and am gobsmacked by their courage, resiliency, and pluck every single day. She even notes herself, “. I almost love you [women] too much.”
God’s plan is that the woman is to be a companion of the man…she’s his help-meet….she’s his compliment. This is the union and the tie that binds the man and the woman. To overly exalt and lift male or female is not the picture that is given to us in the pages of Holy Writ.
So, I ask all women to ask this question about these protests, and marches: what are they doing out there?” “What do they want?” “What’s their goal?”
The simple, official answer to “What do they want?” is easy to find in the first paragraph of the march’s official policy platform, a four-page document titled “Guiding Vision and Defining Principals” that was released in advance of the event. Noting that it aims to bring together people of all genders and backgrounds, the organizers proclaim its goal is “to affirm our shared humanity and pronounce our bold message of resistance and self-determination.” One of the planks in the document calls for: Comprehensive reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, and immigrant and refugee rights.
I can say unequivocally that no Christian woman should be linking arms with this secular, leftist movement. No Christian woman as a child of light should link arms with a movement that has as part of its agenda a call to kill the unborn and the support of gay marriages.